Goal: Build a more developed character--a new one!
First Step: Any more slam poems?
More on characterization.
Thought: Character-driven fiction is more sophisticated than plot/formula-driven fiction.
Complete this sentence:
Sentence 1. (Name) is (age).
Example: "Bob is 14."
Note. You must write from the persepctive of the opposite gender, and the person may not be a teenager. 0-10 and >20 is okay.
Sentence 2: He/she (verb) (object) today.
Example: "He stole a car today. "
Then, free write the rest in 3rd person. Probably best to do it on your blog, or at least in google docs so you can post it.
HW: On your blog, describe this character's face and body in as much detail as you can. Then, have the character describe his or her own face and body in 1st person. Post both pieces.
Goal: Plug the poetry slam, which is one week from today!
First step: Posters. Where should they go for maximum impact?
Also: "After I was Thrown in the River..." Anything stick with you from last week?
Writing and sharing topics (choose one)
From the perspective of one of the characters you've already created, create a performance (slam) piece using one of the following topics:
If you prefer to write from your own perspective, that's fine.
1. Write a sarcastic love letter to something/someone you hate. No real names, please.
2. What would you do if you woke up tomorrow and you had wings?
3. What lies in the basement of your mother's heart?
4. Describe yourself from your pet's perspective.
5. Cloudy with a chance of meatballs prompt: What would the world look like if it were made up of your favorite things? For example, what would the rain, trees, grass, etc. be made of?
5. How do you medicate a heartbreak?
6. DYT
Let's write these on paper so we can get up and perform them.
HW: Post your slam poem to your blog.
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