Monday, November 12, 2012

week of 11/13/12


Goal: "Flesh out" our characters more.

First Step: Say congratulations to Charlie, Jackie, and Gabe! We are so proud of you!

Intro: What Time O'Brien does with a character.

Next: Character Mapping:

1. Review the character you've been developing for two or three classes now.
2. On a note card, come up with one adjective to describe your overall impression of the character. Use your phones for a thesaurus if you need to.
3. Now, map your character as depicted on the board!


Come in after break with two possible plans for a plot. Include the following in two brief outlines:

1. Character/s
2. Setting
3. Goal, conflict or problem
4. Major events (4 or 5)
5. Ending/Resolution
6. Theme



First Step: Slam is tonight. Who wants extra credit????


More with your character:

Pair-Share on your character.

Writing time: more with your character

Choose four and write from your character's point of view. Try to get a well-developed paragraph for each:

  1. When are you most content?
  2. Are you an expert at anything?
  3. What do you believe in?
  4. Speak about darkness
  5. Describe your vision of the future.
  6. What do want to be remembered for?
  7. Do you have theories about things?
HW: Finish this assignment for Thursday and post on your blog.

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