Tuesday, September 25, 2012

week of 9/25

Week of 9/25/12

Day 2 (Thursday):

Goal: Begin "Man on Wire"

First Step: Get a lap top. There will be a back channel discussion during the movie. This means that you should post at least three times during the hour. You can ask a question, respond to a question, make a point, respond to a point, express confusion, clarify a point, etc. Just make sure that you post three times, and don't be anywhere on the internet besides our Edmodo page.

HW (For Tuesday): Go back through our class notes. (On Edmodo: just scroll through). Find one aspect of class (poem, lesson, or homework assignment) that you think relates to a theme or themes in the movie. Do a short comparative write-up (paragraph) and turn in on Edmodo.

Day 1 (Tuesday): 

Goal: Continue to discuss what it means to have conviction.

First Step: O Me, O Life!

Conviction: Who has it? 

Look at reactions to Taylor Mali and Sarah Kay.

Share some poems. 

6-week assignment. "Man on Wire"

6-week Review Paper with the movie Man on Wire:

For the rest of today and Thursday, we’ll watch the movie “Man on Wire.” As a six-week culminating assignment, you are going to write an essay based on the movie of about 300-400 words (which means about a page or two, typed, double-spaced, normal-sized font and margins). Here’s your prompt:

Is Philip Petit a poet? Why or why not? This question sounds simple. It is not.

In answering this question, you must address specific topics that we've covered in class. The more specific you are with examples, and the more interestingly and sophisticatedly you compare our class work to ideas and events in the movie, the better you’ll do. 

HW: Catch up on work. There are too many of you who need to do so.

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