Tuesday, October 23, 2012

week of 10/23/12


Goal: Look at the effects of dialogue on character development. 

First Step: Any character sketches to look at first?

Now, let's try the exercise we were going to do on Tuesday before the computers got crazy.

HW (for next Tuesday): Dialogue Sketch. Two characters. Allow them to be characterized predominately through dialogue. Think about the below characteristics of effective dialogue.


Goal: Revisit Character Sketches, talk about dialogue.

First Step: Grab a laptop. Make sure everyone has a blog. There are still some to set up. Post your blog address on Edmodo. 

I want you to post fiction on your blog so it is easier for me to read. 

HW For Thursday:

Post the following on your blog:

1. Character sketch (already done). More than a list. Using the answers to your questions, pretend that you're writing a description of a character for a novel or story.

Example of Dialogue:

A Clean Well-Lighted Place

Listening for Dialogue:

Watch for how Hemingway does the following: 

The following tips come from "Top 8 Tips for writing dialogue"

1. Really listening to speech: notice how people basically communicate. Do they have to explain a lot, or is much understood? Do they talk in complete sentences or fragments? How does rhythm come into play in everyday speech? Also pay attention to how little it takes for you to understand what they're talking about.

2.  Not exactly like real speech: Alfred Hitchcock said that a good story was "life, with the dull parts taken out." This very much applies to dialogue. A transcription of a conversation would be completely boring to read. Edit out the filler words and unessential dialogue

3. Not too much info!  It should not be obvious to the reader that they're being fed important facts. Let the story unfold naturally. You don't have to tell the reader everything up front

4. Break it up with action. Remind your reader that your characters are physical human beings by grounding their dialogue in the physical world. Physical details help break the monotony of dialogue.

5. Don't overdo the dialogue tags. Veering too much beyond "he said/she said" only draws attention to the tags — and you want the reader's attention centered on your brilliant dialogue, not your ability to think of synonyms for "said."

6-8: Read widely, avoid stereotypes, and punctuate properly. 

Monday, October 15, 2012

week of 10/16/12

10/16/12 (only class this week)

Goal: Do something besides poetry!

Announcement: Come see Jovan for extra credit! Today!

First Step: Character Sketch Intro.

Character Sketch Questions.

HW (Start now): Invent a character. Go to Edmodo and open up the list of questions posted there. Begin to form your character by answering at least 20 of the questions.

For next class, post a character sketch of at least 250 words on Edmodo. It can be longer if you need it to.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Week of 10/9/12


Goal: Wrap up papers. 

Any more honest poems to share?

First Step: First Afghan female rapper!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Gwi7SNiTx0 (Youtube)

http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/female-rapper-history-afghanistan-article-1.1178182 (Article)

Next: Find a partner. go through the paper and help each other improve. I will come around to answer questions and check drafts. With any remaining time that you have, begin completing you paper. 

HW: Turn in a polished copy of your paper on Tuesday!


Goal: One more great poem, continue working on paper.

First Step: Rudy Francisco Poem. Just listen.

Template is on Edmodo. Make a copy or print it. Freewrite time. 

Share some of them. 

If time: Work on papers as I check to see who has done the intro/outline.

HW: Paper Due one week from today (mostly because I don't want them over the weekend! :). 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

week of 10/2/12


Goal: Consider the connections between Man on Wire and unit themes. Synthesize ideas from the first 6 weeks. Begin drafting an essay.

HW (see below) 

First Step: Read the following poem and respond to the questions below it. 


(Definition of muse: A guiding spirit; a source of inspiration.)

I glanced at her and took my glasses
off — they were still singing. They buzzed
like a locust on the coffee table and then
ceased. Her voice belled forth, and the
sunlight bent. I felt the ceiling arch, and
knew that nails up there took a new grip
on whatever they touched. “I am your own
way of looking at things,” she said. “When
you allow me to live with you, every
glance at the world around you will be
a sort of salvation.” And I took her hand.

~ William Stafford (1914-1993)

1. Why is the muse female?
2. Why are the glasses singing and buzzing?
3. Why does the ceiling arch?

Brief Discussion

6-week assignment: Hand out and explain. Assignment and rubric.

Look at my example of the assignment.

Edmodo Small Groups: Quick Intro.

1. Find your group on the lefthand side of the page. It's the name of the poet right under the poetry tab.
2. On your own, choose one "class event" from the list. On your small group page, write down a connection between that event and a theme in Man on Wire.

Taylor Mali's poem on conviction relates to Man on Wire because Mali says, "You must speak with conviction" and Philipe says that you must "live your life on a tightrope." These ideas are related because they are both about living the life YOU want to live.

3. Once everyone has posted, meet with your small group. Work together to put together an intro paragraph that pulls together at least a couple of these connections. Post your paragraph on the main page.

HW: Complete your intro paragraph and outline for your 6-week paper. (Similar to my example).


Goal: Finish "Man on Wire"

First Step: What are some connections you've already seen between Philipe and the poetry class so far.

Watch the last 40  minutes of Man on Wire. 

There is no 'why.'" Why does Philipe say 


Why are his friends so emotional?

The cop is moved by the scene to the point 

of getting out of character. Why?